Latest recordings (ESAB Science and Technology Platform)

Novel Enzymes
Novel Enzymes


Engineering protein catalysts for synthetic applications - Prof. Dr. Rebecca Buller

Structure-function analysis of a novel cysteine dioxygenase in the biosynthesis of sulfonamide antibiotics altemicidin - Prof. Dr. Takahiro Mori

New biosynthetic enzymes for chemoenzymatic natural product synthesis and biocatalysis - Prof. Dr. Frank Hahn

Synthesis of Pharmaceutical Amides Using Amide Bond Synthetases - Prof. Dr. Gideon Grogan

Enzymatic methods for the reduction of mycotoxin contamination - Dr. Zsófia Bata

2nd ESAB E-Congress 2024
2nd ESAB E-Congress 2024

The second Digital Congress on Applied Catalysis took place from 25-27 November 2024. This unique event features an exceptional program of cutting-edge science, world-class plenary talks, and interactive sessions that make it a must-attend for anyone working in biocatalysis, enzyme engineering, and related fields.



The Bigger Picture in Photobiocatalysis - Prof. Dr. Frank Hollmann

Photobiocatalysis: Combining chemical and enzymatic transformations fueled by light - Prof. Dr. Sandy Schmidt

Design and Evolution of Photoenzymes for a Sustainable Future - Dr. Adrian Bunzel

Exploring Photobiocatalysis: Realizing New-to-Nature Reactions & Driving Redox Enzyme - Dr. Christoph Winkler

Available subscriptions

  • This subscription includes all recordings associated with the European Society of Applied Biocatalysis (ESAB). The subscription will automatically be extended for 30 days more if it is not cancelled 10 days before ending. After cancelling this subscription it cannot be selected once more.
  • Get 2 months for free!
    This subscription includes all recordings associated with the European Society of Applied Biocatalysis (ESAB). The subscription will automatically be extended for 1 year more if it is not cancelled 30 days before ending.


  • 03.04.2023 - ESAB Subscription
    ESAB - 30-Days-Subscription and ESAB - 1-Year-Subscription are now available.

Coming soon

  • Experimental Tools and Methodologies for Screening Enzyme Functions