Latest recordings (ESAB Science and Technology Platform)

Amine Biocatalysis 5.5
Amine Biocatalysis 5.5


Structure-Based Design of Small Imine Reductase Panels for Target Substrates - Dr. Yuqi Yu

How active site composition and oligomerization affect the activity and stability of amine transaminases - Prof. Dr. Matthias Höhne

In silico design and machine learning for industrial grade enzyme stability - Dr. Martin Engqvist

Avances in Biocatalysis for Industrial-Scale Chiral Amine Synthesis - Dr. Scott France

Multistep Enzyme Catalyzed Processes
Multistep Enzyme Catalyzed Processes


Multistep enzyme catalyzed processes development through microbial metabolism analysis – application to chemical synthesis and environmental control - Prof. Dr. Jun Ogawa

Building continuous flow biocatalytic cascades - Prof. Dr. Colin Scott

One Pot Enzymatic Procedures for the Synthesis of α-Hydroxyketones - Prof. Dr. Laurence Hecquet

Enhancing Efficiency in Multi-Enzyme Cascades through Data-Driven Optimization Strategies - Prof. Dr. Katrin Rosenthal

Standardization in Synthetic Biology
Standardization in Synthetic Biology


YeastFab: the design and construction of standard biological parts for metabolic engineering in Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Prof. Dr. Patrick Yizhi Cai

Standardization of genetic tools: The SEVA platform - Dr. Esteban Martinez-García

Metrology for large-scale sequence-function relationships - Dr. David Ross

FreeGenes: How and why we built and distributed thousands of open source modular genetic parts, and what we learned - Keoni Gandall

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    This subscription includes all recordings associated with the European Society of Applied Biocatalysis (ESAB). The subscription will automatically be extended for 1 year more if it is not cancelled 30 days before ending.


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Coming soon

  • Joint ESAB-SKB Webinar on Biomanufacturing